Do you have a team that’s in need of a little motivation? There’s a lot you can do as a manager to help them reframe their mentality. Here are five tips to help you help your team!
1.) Adapt your Communication Style
Being flexible in how you approach managing your employees can make a huge difference in your overall team’s success. Different people thrive under different management styles. The way you communicate with each team member can be the difference between a successful relationship and unmet expectations. You as a manager need to understand the needs of the situation, and flex to meet those needs. Find the right fit, and you will be able to inspire and motivate each team member in new and more effective ways.
2.) Be Responsive to a Changing Industry
The ability to adapt and pivot to meet changing situations are skills required of teams but also businesses as a whole to succeed in the digital age. This past year has taught us this lesson time and again. Technology is rapidly changing the way business is done and the demands of a project can completely change with little headway. The ability to think on your feet and maintain a calm and professional demeanor as a manager is critical. Your team is looking directly to you to understand how they should respond to these situations. Responding strategically and always keeping the big picture in mind when you are asked to change directions is a key skill of the true leaders in the industry.
3.) Give Back Their Time
There are several creative ways to offer flexibility to your entire team without sacrificing productivity or accountability. Vacation time, paid sick leave, the occasional unexpected day off, are all great ways to inspire and motivate a weathered team. Those little incentives can also help motivate teams to work for the “weekend” so to speak.
4.) Be Understanding of Current Challenges
Employers who don’t get what their employees are dealing with in terms of challenging work-life balance, or misaligned pay rates and general cost of living, can deal a real blow to morale. Offering solutions designed to support employees in their situations shows that their employer understands and cares about them, not just about their bottom line.
5.) Be Flexible
The opportunity to perform work remotely can help appeal to new hires who may have a difficult commute or perhaps do some of their best work in a coffee shop or at the park. Allowing for remote work has the added benefit of reduced overhead costs of employees, particularly if they are 100% remote. Time-agnostic work and job sharing are two additional forms of flexibility that many employers can really get behind. So long as the work gets done, and done well, the shared benefit for both the employee and employer are well worth the effort.
For more tips on inspiring and motivating your team this coming year, connect with the recruiting experts at Bergman Brothers. We’ll help you grow your business and find the people you need to succeed!